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Kevin Kipp

Front End Engineer




Austin, TX, Texas - United States


E-Learning & Online Events


Passionate about learning. I'm a self taught developer who has developed an insatiable appetite for learning new concepts and skills. The area I specialize the most in is Angular(2+) including the Angular CLI, AOT compilation, analyzing bundle size for performance, optimizing code for tree-shaking, creating reusable components and directives, utilizing RxJS, dependency injection, routing, breaking down applications into modules, lazily loading modules, and Angular animations.

I am good at

Thoughtfully creating interaction rich UI's with a good UX using re-usable components for consistency across an application, or even a suite of applications.

Skills and Expertise

git html css javascript es6 typescript angular react redux jquery sql mongodb node webpack gulp rxjs firebase c# .net sass less bootstrap foundation responsive design responsive emails linux UX design