Bill Games photo

Bill Games


FreightWatch International



Austin, Texas - United States



Bill Games has 25+ years of technology start-up and executive management experience. In 2005, Bill founded and was President of FreightWatch Security Net, a wireless technology company specializing in tracking high-value cargo in impaired environments (i.e. sealed containers). In 2012, the Company merged with parent FreightWatch International prior to being acquired by Sensitech, a United Technologies company. During his tenure, he also served as Chief Technology Officer for FreightWatch International and was responsible for developing several covert tracking devices and a global, cloud based management platform.In 2002, Bill was the Founder and CEO of Joule Software, an unsuccessful telecom product management software company.In 1992, Bill founded Signet Partners, an early Internet service provider in Austin, Texas. In 1998, Signet Partners merged with Verio prior to its IPO where he then served as Vice President and Director of IT Web Development until 2001. Today, Verio operates as NTT America.

I am good at

Making things happen...

Skills and Expertise

Team building wireless device and cloud software development alliance creation revenue harvesting start-up operations and financial management.