Our panel of legal experts will focus on your business success. Bring your questions about starting, growing, closing or transferring a business. Get answers about protecting your assets (intellectual property — copyright, trademark, patents,etc.) and protecting yourself from others who have assets (trolls, etc.). Should you use employment contracts? Should I require my own contracts or sign this from my client? Should you take a partner, ally or co-founder? Attend this interactive session FIRST!
We want you to make the right decisions. To do it right also requires looking at how your question has implications for other kinds of law — including employment law. That's why we have a panel!
Please submit your questions in advance by March 10 if you don't want to ask them during the event.
• Andrew Eisenberg, Lee & Hayes
• Kate Lincoln-Goldfinch, Lincoln-Goldinch Immigation Law
• Paula Pierce, Law firm of Paula Pierce
Jan Triplett, CEO, Business Success Center
Our next meetup topic is "Success with Federal Contracts: Vocabulary & Basics" noon, April 22, with Small Business Administration officer Eric Spencer.
Type: Meetup
Johan Borge